Explore best practices and quick links for each indicator.
Land Use
Changing Climate, Changing Communities: Guide and Workbook for Municipal Climate Adaptation
This Guide and Workbook is a milestone-based framework to assist local governments in the creation of adaptation plans to address the relevant climate change impacts associated with their communities. Learn more.
CLIMAtlantic: Enhancing Atlantic Climate Resilience
CLIMAtlantic facilitates access to data and information that supports adaptation to climate change in Atlantic Canada through collaboration, networking, and partnerships. Learn more.
Community Energy Planning: A Primer for New Brunswick Municipalities
This primer was developed in 2016 as a resource for communities interested in developing a community energy plan in New Brunswick. It provides information on the value and benefits of community energy planning, how to get started, how to engage local partners, steps for developing and implementing a plan, and concrete municipal actions and approaches to realizing a community energy plan. Learn more
Global Covenant of Mayors Canada Companion Guide
A simple guide for Canadian municipalities using the PCP and/or BARC frameworks who want to join the Global Covenant of Mayors, the world’s largest alliance of cities and local governments in the fight against climate change. Learn more.
Guide: How to Develop an Asset Management Policy, Strategy and Governance Framework
This guide will show you how to develop an asset management policy, strategy and governance framework for your Canadian municipality. Download the guide here.
Local Governments for Sustainability Canada (ICLEI)
ICLEI provides a wide range of services for local, provincial and federal governments in support of developing sustainable, climate-ready communities. Services include adaptation and resilience planning, energy and emissions planning, capacity building and more. Learn more
Municipal Energy Roadmap by Green Municipal Fund (GMF)
A detailed report that offers timely and specific guidance in identifying the best solutions for Canadian communities to achieve significant greenhouse gas emissions reductions in their municipal and community buildings and meet their long-term sustainability objectives. Download the roadmap report here. Learn more about the Municipal Energy Roadmap here.
The Relationship Agreement & Memorandum of Understanding Toolkit
This is one of many toolkits developed by Future Cities Canada and Evergreen. The toolkit explains and provides a guideline for those who are collaborating with Indigenous communities and/or organizations to create MOUs and relationship agreements that symbolize and put into action the importance of establishing and maintaining respectful, equitable, and reciprocal relationships. Learn more.
Useful Links
- Strategy 3: Governance of The Getting to Implementation Initiative includes information and case studies on a number of governance models
- Research from the University of Waterloo on the importance of cross-sectoral partnerships for the implementation of community energy (or community sustainability) plans
Municipal Climate Change Staff Guide
Just as no two communities are alike, neither is their approach to tackling climate challenges. This resource was created to aid municipal staff in establishing themselves as leaders on climate through practical information, resources, checklists and templates. Download the PDF guide here. Learn more about the guide here.
New Brunswick & PEI (NB-PEI) Municipal Working Group
Launched in 2016, the New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island (NB-PEI) Municipal Working Group is a resource for municipalities engaged in community energy planning, partnership-building, and Smart Energy projects to share their experiences, lessons learned, and transfer knowledge about best practices. Learn more.
Useful Links
York University offers a course on community energy planning for land use planners called the Energy Conscious Community: An Energy Planning Course for Planning Professionals.
The Canadian Institute for Energy Training offers a variety of courses and certifications for staff involved in community energy planning.
British Columbia Institute of Technology and the Community Energy Association offer a variety of courses on community energy management.
The Climate Atlas of Canada
The Climate Atlas of Canada combines climate science, mapping and storytelling to bring the global issue of climate change closer to home for Canadians. It is designed to inspire local, regional and national action that will let us move from risk to resilience. Learn more.
Flood Mapping Types and Process
Flood maps are tools used to help prepare for floods and reduce their impacts. They outline potential flood hazards that help decision-makers with flood preparedness and mitigation, land use planning, emergency management and public awareness of flood risk. The Government of Canada provides resources about the importance of flood mapping, types of flood maps, and the flood mapping process. Learn more.
Photovoltaic Potential and Solar Resource Maps of Canada
This web-based mapping application gives estimates of photovoltaic potential (in kWh/kWp) and of the mean daily global insolation (in MJ/m2 and in kWh/m2) for any location in Canada on a 60 arc seconds ~2 km grid. Learn more.
Climate Data for a Resilient Canada
Climate Data provides high-resolution climate data to help decision-makers build a more resilient Canada. Learn more.
An Introduction to Climate Change: A Canadian Perspective
This report discusses the earth’s natural climate, the greenhouse effect, and climate prediction, warmer World and warmer Canada. It also discusses ways in which we can respond to climate change, and the need for action at a global-political, Canadian and citizen level. Download the full report here.
PIEVC Engineering Protocol
This free protocol systematically reviews historical climate information and projects the nature, severity and probability of future climate changes and events. It also establishes the adaptive capacity of an individual infrastructure as determined by its design, operation and maintenance. Learn more.
Federal Flood Mapping Guidelines Series
In consultation with provincial and territorial partners and key stakeholders, the federal government has developed new documents in the Federal Flood Mapping Guidelines Series. These are a series of evergreen guidelines that will help advance flood mapping activities across Canada. Learn more.
Municipal Energy Emissions Database (MEED)
The Municipal Energy Emissions Database (MEED) is an open data platform that builds greenhouse gas inventories using downscaled national and regional data sources. The inventories are free. Any local government can use MEED to report on emissions and get started with climate action. Learn more.
Smart Energy Communities Benchmark by QUEST Canada
The Smart Energy Communities Benchmark paints a picture of what a Smart Energy Community looks like, and provides a powerful benchmark that Canadian communities can use to track their progress on their energy-smart journey. Learn more.
Useful Links
- Information on climate hazards and adaptation by province and by sector is available at the Adaptation Library.
- Information on the International Emissions Analysis Protocol for the Canadian context is available here: FCM’ PCP Protocol: Canadian Supplement to the International Emissions Analysis Protocol.
- Detailed information on the energy mapping process can be found in the Canadian Urban Institute’s Integrated Energy Mapping for Ontario Communities – Lessons Learned Report.
- Information on data issues and promising practices related to energy mapping.
- The Milestone Tool, available to members for the Partners for Climate Protection program, offers a Scenario Builder function to do general energy and GHG emissions modelling.
- Natural Resources Canada, in collaboration with the City of Prince George, developed a Spatial Community Energy, Cost, and Carbon Characterization (SCEC3) model to evaluate actions related to residential buildings
System Advisor Model (SAM) Tool
The System Advisor Model (SAM) is a free techno-economic software model that facilitates decision-making for people in the renewable energy industry. SAM can create financial models as well as renewable energy models for a variety of projects. Learn more.
Useful Links
- FCM’s On The Money: Financing Tools for Local Climate Action toolkit explains how municipalities can leverage private and community investors for climate action projects.
- S2E Technologies and FCM created a comprehensive guide on financing net-zero communities using community improvement plans. The guide includes a robust overview of net-zero technologies as well.
- Information on financial repayment mechanisms is available in the TAF Technical Guidance Note on Energy Efficiency Financing Tools for the Canadian Context.
- A list of Ontario communities that have implemented revolving funds, as well as a description of how they are structured can be found in a City of Oshawa public report.
- The Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) has produced a discussion paper identifying challenges and solutions related to congestion charges in Canada.
- Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission has a report on implementing congestion charges in Canada with case study examples.
- The Canadian Urban Sustainability Practitioners (CUSP) network launched the Energy Poverty and Equity Explorer, a powerful online mapping tool, and a pair of associated primer documents.
Accelerating the Implementation of Renewable Energy (AIRE) Protocol
Provided by QUEST Canada, the Accelerating the Implementation of Renewable Energy (AIRE) Protocol provides municipalities with the means to establish and deploy more collaborative planning processes for local renewable energy development. Learn more.
Accessing Indigenous Traditional Knowledge: A Toolkit
The Toolkit outlines how to use storytelling and talking circles to facilitate the sharing of Traditional Knowledge (TK) about Indigenous resilience among TK holders, their communities and local emergency management practitioners. Download the toolkit here.
All Hazards Risk Assessment Methodology Guidelines
This document has been developed by Public Safety Canada, in close partnership with Defense Research and Development Canada – Center for Security Science, as part of the federal All Hazards Risk Assessment initiative (2012-2013). Download here.
Climate Resilience and Asset Management Video Series
The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) created this video series to share how municipalities and practitioners across Canada are making climate action a part of their municipal asset management practices and decision-making. Learn more.
Community Disaster Resilience Planning
Building community disaster resilience is an ongoing, year-round process aimed at strengthening a community’s ability to respond to a disaster. This site guides you and your community team through the Community Disaster Resilience Planning (CDRP) process. Learn more.
The Community Energy Implementation Framework
A guide to help communities move Community Energy Plans from a vision to implementation. It includes ten strategies that provide insights, advice and a proposed path forward to foster widespread political, staff and stakeholder support, build staff and financial capacity, and embed energy into local plans, policies and processes to support implementation. Learn more.
The Cost of Doing Nothing (CODN) Toolbox
Developed by ICLEI – Local Government for Sustainability, this toolbox provides a jumping-off point for municipalities to assess the costs of doing nothing within their own local context, and support their own climate adaptation planning process. It provides municipal decision-makers with guidance on collecting locally-relevant data and weighing the costs of action versus inaction. Learn more.
Economic Impact of New Brunswick Community Energy Plans: Primer & Workbook
Developed by QUEST, this workbook is aimed at articulating the local economic benefits of the development and implementation of CEPs with the goal of improving understanding of the value of implementing CEPs among municipalities and their stakeholders in New Brunswick. Download the full workbook here.
Energy Poverty and Equity Explorer
The Energy Poverty and Equity Explorer tool, developed by Canadian Urban Sustainability Practitioners (CUSP), offers municipalities access to relevant data so they can better understand energy poverty and other equity and affordability challenges in their communities. The resource is designed to help municipal staff develop equitable and inclusive clean energy programs to meet residents’ needs. Learn more.
Enhancing the Resilience of Canadian Electricity Systems for a Net Zero Future
This scoping paper examines the expected climate-induced risks to Canadian electricity systems and discusses opportunities to enhance their resilience on the path to net zero. Read more.
Guide: Building Sustainable and Resilient Communities with Asset Management
Read this guide to learn why you should build sustainable practices into your asset management approach, and how you can get started. Download the guide here.
Guide: Community Resilience Mini Guide
Actionable strategies to build community climate resilience. Download the full guide here.
Guide: Integrating Climate Change Considerations into Municipal Asset Management
Integrating climate change into asset management is not easy. Climate change and its implications for municipal services and infrastructure are complex. Using this guide you will help your municipality establish a clear process and framework. Download the guide here. Learn more about climate resilience and asset management here.
Indigenous Climate Change Adaptation Planning Toolkit
Provide a suite of user-friendly tools, resources, and key considerations to support Indigenous individuals and communities interested in undertaking climate change adaptation planning. The intent is for the toolkit to be used by communities at all different stages of the adaptation planning process, including communities with little or no prior experience. Learn more.
Indigenous Clean Energy Leadership for Canada’s Clean, Electric Future
This paper traces the rising waves of Indigenous participation in clean energy over the past two decades. It looks at how to catalyze exponential growth in Indigenous clean energy opportunities, proposing specific actions and initiatives that can materially contribute to Canada’s clean electricity future. Read more.
Integrating Equity, Diversity and Inclusion into Municipal Climate Action
To help communities across Canada better understand and employ the concepts of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) into each stage of their climate action planning, the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program, from ICLEI Canada and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), has developed the Integrating equity, diversity and inclusion into municipal climate action resource. This introductory resource was created to help your municipality take the first step on their EDI journey. Read more.
Just Transition Guide
This Guide is an offering and a resource for Indigenous Peoples and all who are looking for pathways towards implementing an equitable transition. It contains valuable success stories, real-life examples, and important technical information, which together outline the ways communities can move forward through a Just Transition. The climate solutions shared here support the revitalization of Indigenous cultures and languages. Learn more.
The Lily Pad Network: A Natural Analogy to Advance Resiliency
The Lily Pad Network is a conceptual framework that takes the concept of resiliency hubs and applies it to the experience of Hurricane Harvey. The lily pad analogy came from the idea that resiliency hubs are like the elements that float above danger when disaster strikes. Learn more.
Municipal Climate Action Hub (MCA Hub)
The Municipal Climate Action Hub is one of the resources provided to the Community of Practice across Canada. It focuses on providing municipal staff with curated resources on climate change mitigation and adaptation, tailored to the municipality’s current progress and institutional readiness in the respective areas. Learn more.
Partners for Climate Protection (PCP)
The Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program is a national network of over 400 municipalities with the shared goal of taking action against climate change and reducing local greenhouse gas emissions. Learn more.
Report: Building Community Resilience: Key Considerations and Lessons Learned from 12 Canadian Communities
This report presents lessons learned from participating municipalities and energy utilities and leverages them into a guide for communities interested in starting or reviewing their climate adaptation and climate planning strategy and their emergency responses, with a specific lens on energy infrastructure. Download the full report here.
Toolkit: Develop and Implement Community Resiliency Plan
The Justice Institute of British Columbia offers a full suite of digital tools to help communities develop and implement a Community Resiliency Plan. Learn more.
The What Works Toolkit
An online toolkit, designed for Canadian organizations looking to adopt equity and diversity initiatives within their organizations. It includes tangible actions organizations and individuals can take, resources designed to set out policies and approaches for recruitment, mentorship, promotion, and retention of board members and employees, as well as anti-racism, anti-harassment, and inclusive workplace strategies, and other related relevant activities and initiatives. The toolkit also features examples from Canadian organizations, profiling diversity successes. Learn more.
Useful Links
- A number of resources are available on the value proposition of community energy planning, and strategies for implementation, on the Getting To Implementation webpage.
- Practice-based academic research and a number of tools for community energy plan implementation are available on the Community Energy Knowledge Action Partnership (CEKAP) webpage.
- Do you want to make addressing climate change at the local level a career? Check out the British Columbia Institute of Technology’s Community Energy Management program.
Land Use
Report: Combatting Canada’s Rising Flood Costs: Natural Infrastructure is an Underutilized Option
Prepared by the Insurance Bureau of Canada (2018), this report provides guidance to those considering or opting for a natural infrastructure solution using the Natural Infrastructure Implementation Framework. Learn more.
Useful Links
- The City of Pickering’s Sustainable Placemaking Guidelines provides guidance for energy efficiency and sustainability in neighbourhood design and building features.
- The Community Energy Knowledge Action Partnership (CEKAP) produced a set of five Ontario case studies on net-zero development.
- Information on good building practices for Northern Communities is available from the Northwest Territories Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists handbook.
- The BC Climate Action Toolkit has a variety of case studies and examples of integrating energy and climate change into land use planning.
- Natural Resources’s Canada has a suite of resources for energy efficiency in new buildings.
- FCM has a comprehensive overview of sustainable new development with the report Sustainable Neighbourhood Development: Practical Solutions to Common Challenges.
- Information on embedding energy into land-use plans, policies, tools and processes is available in QUEST’s Integrated Community Energy Solutions Municipal Policy Toolkit.
- Information and resources on natural assets is available on the Municipal Natural Assets Initiative website and also the Green Infrastructure Ontario Coalition website.
- Information on how tree coverage can be used to influence energy demands is available in Chicago’s urban forest ecosystem: Results of the Chicago Urban Forest Climate Project.
Energy Networks
Canadian BioEnergy Center (CBEC)
Canadian BioEnergy Center (CBEC) provides technological support to the forest and agriculture sectors to work cooperatively towards the common goal of developing an ecologically sustainable and economically viable bioenergy sector in Canada and the world. Learn more.
The Canadian Renewable Energy Association (CanREA)
CanREA is the voice for wind energy, solar energy and energy storage solutions that will power Canada’s energy future. They work to create the conditions for a modern energy system through stakeholder advocacy and public engagement. Learn more.
Energy Affordability Program Roundtable
The roundtable meets quarterly and focuses on aligning industry efforts in promoting awareness of energy-efficiency opportunities and broadening participation opportunities for low-income consumers. Learn more.
Maturity Scale for Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction
New Brunswick Renewable Energy Case Studies
Renewables New Brunswick is an online center that aims to promote energy efficiency, sustainability best practices, and renewable projects and technologies throughout the province of New Brunswick. Learn more.
PVWatts® Calculator
Estimates the energy production and cost of energy of grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) energy systems throughout the world. It allows homeowners, small building owners, installers and manufacturers to easily develop estimates of the performance of potential PV installations. Learn more.
RETScreen® Clean Energy Management Software
The RETScreen® Clean Energy Management Software platform enables low-carbon planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting. Learn more.
Smart Grid Innovation Network
The Smart Grid Innovation Network supports Canada’s clean energy transition by advocating for the smart energy sector. Through education, vendor support, business model innovation and smart grid technology, they leverage their position in the Canadian energy sector to create an impact. Learn more.
Wind Energy Development: Best Practices for Indigenous & Public Engagement
This best practice guide outlines practices and procedures to facilitate the responsible and sustainable development of wind energy in Canada. Download the full guide here.
Useful Links
- QUEST’s Resilient Pipes & Wires Report identifies the state of awareness, measures, and policies being put in place by electric, natural gas, and thermal energy distributors:
- A comprehensive overview and guide on planning for and developing district energy systems in Canada is available in the International District Energy Association’s report, Community Energy: Planning, Development & Delivery – Strategies for Thermal Networks
- Sustainable Solutions Group’s Plan4DE tool provides pre-pre-feasibility modelling support for district energy opportunities
- Information on advanced district energy systems (4th Generation District Heating systems) that use lower temperatures and renewable energy sources is available in a report from the 4DH research centre
Water & Waste
Biomass Solutions Biomasse (BSB)
Biomass Solutions Biomasse (BSB) is a leading biomass energy provider, offering the sale of BTUs through contract and biomass heating equipment. BSB provides a profitable solution to replace fossil fuels while supporting the growth of the local economy. Learn more.
The Gaia Project
The Gaia Project nurtures the natural curiosity and intelligence of New Brunswick students through inquiry-based projects about energy, waste, water, transportation and sustainability. Learn more.
Useful Links
- Information on Canadian municipal water conservation or water efficiency program adoption is available in the Centre for Water Resources Studies survey
- The City of Calgary provides a guidebook on installation best practices for rainwater harvesting systems
- The Green Municipal fund has information on and funding for water and waste initiatives
- Information on wastewater management is available from the New Zealand Ministry for the Environment report, Sustainable wastewater management: A handbook for smaller communities
- Environment and Climate Change Canada’s presentation, Thermal Treatment of Municipal Solid Waste in Canada, provides an overview and considerations on waste to energy projects
- An overview of waste recovery initiatives in Canada is available in the State of Waste Management in Canada report prepared for the Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment.
- Information on implementing tipping fees is available in the Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission’s report Cutting the Waste: How to save money while improving our solid waste systems
CUTA’s On-Demand Transit Toolkit
CUTA, Metrolinx, and Leading Mobility Consulting have partnered to develop the On-Demand Transit Toolkit to help advise service design objectives, implementation strategies, and considerations for on-demand transit projects. Transit planners and decision-makers can benefit from using this toolkit to gain key insights about implementing On-Demand Transit. The toolkit covers five themes and includes considerations at each step of implementing on-demand transit and case studies for on-demand transit deployments. Learn more.
The Gaia Project
The Gaia Project nurtures the natural curiosity and intelligence of New Brunswick students through inquiry-based projects about energy, waste, water, transportation and sustainability. Learn more.
Reimagining Public Spaces: New Shared Mobility Solutions - A Practisioner’s Toolkit
The Reimagining Public Spaces toolkit provides a simple starting point for communities to explore innovative approaches for public spaces, accelerate their potential to meet the unique challenges of their own context, and better address the diverse needs of all. Learn more.
Useful Links
- Information on developing multimodal transportation infrastructure in small and rural towns available from the U.S. Department of Transportation Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks.
- A list of Ontario local governments that have bicycle parking standards in zoning bylaws and design standards can be found in Appendix B of the Review & Assessments of Parking and Loading Standards study conducted for the City of Markham
- Information on the street design that supports active transportation is available via:
- Transportation Association of Canada’s (TAC) Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads
- Federal Highway Administration’s(FHWA) Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks Guide
- VeloQuébec’s Planning and Design for Pedestrians and Cyclists: A technical guide
- National Association of City Transportation Officials’ (NACTO) Urban Bikeway Design Guide
- British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure’s Active Transportation Design Guide
- Transportation Canada’s Planning Guide to Active Transportation in Canada
- Natural Resources Canada’s Office of Energy Efficiency has a database of municipal anti-idling policies and programs
- Information on green fleet action planning is available on the BC Climate Action Toolkit.
- A series of case studies of natural gas vehicle use can be found in the Natural Gas Vehicle Roadmap 2.0
- Pollution Probe has a number of information guides and reports relating to transportation. Of particular interest is Decarbonizing Transportation in Canada: Building a Foundation for Success and the Framework for Municipal ZEV Deployment Report
The Canadian Passive House Institute (CanPHI)
The Canadian Passive House Institute (CanPHI) is a registered non-profit educational organization providing Canadians with the knowledge, tools and confidence to design and construct buildings that meet the world’s most radical and verified energy standard, the international Passive House Standard. Learn more.
Low Carbon Training Program
Designed by industry leaders to prepare companies and building sector professionals for the low-carbon future. This free program doesn’t require previous training and is designed for any professional in the building sector – even if you don’t work directly in a sustainability-focused role. You can choose to take the foundational program, which covers the fundamentals and low-carbon concepts. Learn more.
Shift Energy - Energy Optimization Software (EOS)
Energy Optimization Software (EOS) is a highly secure cloud-based software that works with your existing building systems to reduce energy costs in commercial buildings. Learn more.
The Municipal Guide to Net Zero Energy Ready Building Codes
Municipalities across Canada have set ambitious climate targets. The path to meeting these climate commitments must include finding ways to optimize building energy efficiency. This guide contains everything you need to understand tiered codes, the advantages of adopting an ambitious tier, and how municipalities can use the new codes to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Download the guide.
Useful Links
- Natural Resources Canada offers incentives on benchmarking and disclosure for industrial, commercial, and institutional buildings